Hi, I’m Nota.

To put it simply, coaching is my calling.

As educator Howard Thurman said "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

And what brings me alive is supporting others in their own quest, their journey toward a life that is lived from the inside out....where the doing comes from the sense of a deep and embodied knowing, from their - from your - own ground of being.

More than ever this beautiful world we live in can feel confusing, frustrating, aggravating. I coach because I have experienced first hand the incredible power of working with an individual who can fully see me, understand me, and who has the capacities to help me see what I cannot — to help me understand myself more fully, and how to live in alignment with my own deepest self.

One thing I know when I look around is that the time is ripe for letting go of “power over” as the operative paradigm; it is time for power with, for bearing witness to life. We are in a process of evolution…..we can’t yet know what the outcome will look like but we can be part of its creation.

Particularly for women and for men with a strong connection to feminine capacities I believe we are at a point - the point – where our voices are essential to bring into the conversation.

It is time for a new way.

My calling is to participate in this evolutionary moment by supporting those seeking to participate fully in life, to be wholeheartedly present, who wish to co-create a future they want to live in.

I am here to be of service.

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 Astrology Collaborator, Wendy Giles


Hi, I’m Wendy.

I have been drawn to astrology since childhood. The beauty and mystery of the night sky has a rhythm and a rich language that speaks powerfully to me. 

As an astrologer I use a soul-centered focus, gently showing you the mirror of yourself and your highest energetic potential as revealed by your chart. Astrology is a wisdom art allowing you to observe yourself with clarity and non-judgment.

I look forward to opening that blessing for you. My experience has shown the added richness this can provide to the coaching journey with Nota.

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium
and it will be lost.
— Martha Graham